Discover AptaGro™ Formula Milk Products

With 40 years of pioneering research, AptaGro™ with ActiveDuoBio+™ helps support your child’s body and learning development to let them build their resilience by experiencing the world.


AptaGro™ Step 3 

Formulated with Prebiotics and Probiotics, & the highest DHA** for child 1- 3 years.


AptaGro™ Step 4 

Formulated with Prebiotics and Probiotics, & the highest DHA** for child 4 years onwards.

**AptaGro consists of 101mg/100g DHA, the highest among all Danone Specialized Nutrition Malaysia growing up formula milk as of November 2023​

^1 billion (1x109) of probiotics from 100g milk powder​

*B.breve M-16V

At AptaGro™, we believe that exposing children to the world helps build their resilience. With over 40 years of pioneering research, AptaGro™ is formulated with a combination of ActiveDuoBio+™ and important nutrients that helps support their body and learning development so you can let them build their resilience by experiencing the world.

AptaGro with ActiveDuoBio+

A combination of probiotics and prebiotics, that helps support your child’s body. So that you can expose your child to the world, to build her resilience.

AptaGro, Raise Them Resilient!


What is ActiveDuoBio+?

Internationally patented combination of probiotics and prebiotics that support child’s body so they can grow strong and resilient


Learn how does ActiveDuoBio+ work to boost the army of good bacteria in your child’s body

Proven Benefits of Prebiotics and ICPUFA: Significantly reduce the risk of infection in young children.

How to Switch Formula

An easy guide to ensure a smooth transition

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